When you are not prepared, you will spend the most money trying to purchase everything you Bringing home a new flock is an exciting experience but if they arrive without proper preparation, the excitement can turn into panic quickly.

from Chicken Supplies: 7 Things Every Flock Needs They aren’t as demanding as most folks, but there are a few poultry supplies Just as we need some furniture, carpets and other goodies to make our homes complete, so do chickens. Chicken Supplies: 7 Things Every Flock Needs by The Happy Chicken Coop - Keeping chickens is relaxing and enjoyable, but before you get your fluffy little friends there are a few things you should have ready.from 14 Environmental and Garden Benefits of Backyard Chickens For instance, did you know that the average US household would need Today, we want to honour the backyard chicken and show everyone just what an incredible animal they are. Since then they have been the source of much amusement, enjoyment and food. 14 Environmental and Garden Benefits of Backyard Chickens by The Happy Chicken Coop - Chickens were domesticated around 9000 years ago in Indian and Eastern Asia.from 46 Beautiful DIY Chicken Coop Plans You Can Actually Build I cannot read and execute building plans to save my life, yet I have built a total Take a deep breath! If you are concerned that you won’t be able to read the coop plans and be too technical, you are not alone. 46 Beautiful DIY Chicken Coop Plans You Can Actually Build by The Happy Chicken Coop - So, you are planning to build your own chicken coop.from The Definitive List of Chicken Treats: What Can Chickens Eat? If you want to search for a specific snack you can use our tool below. The Definitive List of Chicken Treats: What Can Chickens Eat? by The Happy Chicken Coop - We all love to give our hens tidbits, but just what can chickens eat? I’m sure you’ve wondered what treats you can safely give to chickens, so we have put together this definitive list containing over 200 snacks.from Top 11 Ways to Accidentally Kill Your Chickens This is certainly something you don’t want and Subsequently, some birds languish or die simply from a lack of appropriate care or attention. Unfortunately, some people have done so without doing even basic research into the care and upkeep of their flock.

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Additionally, knowing how to feed them is just as or even more important. Top 7 Chicken Feed Brands by Happ圜hicken - When it comes to feeding your flock, just as feeding yourself, it’s important to know good quality food from poor quality food.from Cochin Chicken: Breed Profile, Care Guide and More… People cannot pass them by without remarking on them. Cochin Chicken: Breed Profile, Care Guide and More… by The Happy Chicken Coop - The big, fluffy Cochin chicken begs to be picked up and cuddled! They have been seducing people for a long time and aren’t about to stop anytime soon! They have been described as ‘head-to-toe feathers’ – an apt description for these beautifully feathered birds.
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from The Definitive Guide to Chicken Tractors and 13 Free DIY Plans It will contain food, water, a roosting perch, a nesting box, and a nice place for free-range.

The Definitive Guide to Chicken Tractors and 13 Free DIY Plans by The Happy Chicken Coop - What exactly is a chicken tractor? Simply put, it is a mobile home, much like a caravan, or trailer, which contains everything your chicken needs in her house.from 20 Surprising Facts About Chickens You Didn’t Know Like what time they rise for breakfast all the way through to their favorite things to eat (for ours, it’s worms)! However, we’d bet that below we have compiled 20 surprising things even 20 Surprising Facts About Chickens You Didn’t Know by The Happy Chicken Coop - For those who have kept chickens for any length of time, we like to think we know all the facts about chickens.